Magento speed optimization

In this fast-paced world, who doesn’t want to stay ahead of all the hoard? At this time, we are in the competition not with the competitors but with the time. If you can beat the time, you can ace the world and build an empire. But how to make sure that you have time in your favour? You need to analyse your web presence. You need to make it more robust, faster and more comprehensive.

No one has enough time to wait for your never-ending loading time.

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Magento speed optimisation

What does our Magento optimization services include?

With our Magento store speed optimization services, we can ensure

Increased revenue

Increased revenue

Improved customer satisfaction

Improved customer satisfaction

Reduced overhead costing like marketing

Reduced overhead costing like marketing

Better SERP ranking

Better SERP ranking

Increased conversion

Increased conversion

More page views

More page views

Improved user experience

Improved user experience

Lower bounce rate

Lower bounce rate

Longer dwell times

Longer dwell times

How much would your website’s speed be affected?

Depending on the analysis of the website, we promise to increase the speed of your website by 15% to 50%. We will also make sure that your website speed score turns from slow to fast. By this increase in the speed of the website, you would now be able to turn the leads into clients more than before.

How much would your website’s speed be affected?
Updating to the latest Magento Version

Updating to the latest Magento Version

Always keep scavenging for the updates. Never prolonge any kind of update from Magento for they always roll out with some new features, add ons and enhancements along with the bug fixes. To update your store, always keep an eye on the release notes. You can easily spot them in your admin panel inbox. Updating is also possible through the Content Manager in the backend. But make sure that you backup your data before the update. Make sure you make the update when there is the least traffic on your site to avoid any kind of technical glitch.

Enabling the flat catalogue

Enabling the flat catalogue

Technically, Magento uses multiple tables to store the catalogue data in normalised form based on the EAV model. Hence, the SQL queries are quite long and go through the complex functions even to give out the simple answers. By flat catalogue method, we de-normalise the data and store it in just one table for easier and faster access.

Cleaning Magento logs

Cleaning Magento logs

Sometimes, the boon becomes the bane. Magento tends to save the records of best sellers or frequently visited pages for over 180 days and then deletes these logs. This massive amount of information is one of the main reasons why your website is slow. We can analyse your data and help you clean your logs so that functioning may be made more accessible. You can enable the log cleaning from the admin panel. Not only that, but you can also choose the days for which the log should be saved.

Merging JavaScript and CSS files

Merging JavaScript and CSS files

There are many ways by which we can optimise your site. Another such way is by combining the JavaScript with CSS files. By this, the content can be retrieved by just one HTTP request, saving bandwidth and hence, giving the website performance a bit of improvement. The same can be done from the admin panel.

Uninstalling irrelevant extensions

Uninstalling irrelevant extensions

No doubt extensions increase the functionality of your website, but you need to see that you do not integrate useless extensions. As, when an extension is used, it loads more CSS sheets, javascript files and HTTP requests. Hence, you should carefully examine all the unnecessary extensions and choose wisely as to which extensions are to be kept. 

Manually reindexing data

Manually reindexing data

The process by which content is retrieved from the database is called indexing. Magento needs to keep reindexing to stay updated with all the changes made in the database. Make sure that you manually reindex Magento after each update; otherwise, it can take a long time to calculate all the new information again and show it to the people. If this step is not followed, the leads can even abandon the filled carts. Hence it is to be considered valuable.

Setting up a content delivery network

Setting up a content delivery network

Now you might be thinking about what a content delivery network is. Well, the primary purpose of CDN is to provide a high-speed browser experience and to enhance the loading speed of your website. It is a group of networks present across the globe catering to different regional requirements. Thus it helps in increasing the speed of the website by optimising the bandwidth according to the local usage patterns.

Choosing a fast web hosting

Choosing a fast web hosting

Well, this can be said to be an essential step which needs to be followed to get the better speed of the website. Choose a fast hosting server to ensure a reasonable pace. Do not get into the trap of cheap hosting platforms. Make sure that your hosting platform is having a high-speed connection, quick support system and high-security stands. Make sure that you check the uptime guarantees and host reliability.

Enable caching

Enable caching

You can simply improve the speed of your site by using the inbuilt cache management features

How to measure Magento speed?

We can define and measure the speed of a website in 4 phases.
Time to first byte (TTFB)

Time to first byte (TTFB)

This is the time taken by a server to receive the primary data from the user’s click.

Start render time

Start render time

This is the point of time when something is displayed on the screen for the first time. Before this, the user is looking at a blank screen.

Document complete time

Document complete time

This is the total time taken by the browser to set all the documents ready to be shown.

Fully loaded time

Fully loaded time

This is the total time taken by the browser to complete the loading of a website and show it as a whole on the screen.

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LeadEngine is a fully packed practical tool of premium built and design. Thus is great for rising undefined businesses looking for a specific customers market.
Joel Ellis Executive Director
With over 40 custom built elements, LeadEngine is perfect for building your dream landing page website without any coding whatsoever.
Vanessa Gibbs Marketing Manager
With plentiful shortcodes to ease your workflow, LeadEngine is meant to simplify the website building experience. One of the fastest multi-purpose themes available on the market.
Neal Leyton Web Developer

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